Saturday, December 11, 2010

Which Actress Has The Largest Boobs

is known to order items in the NavBar there is an option called "Display Order"
However, this option is only enabled for one relationship and not for which they are OOTB or items that we believe by the ISV.

For these cases one can use JScript in OnLoad and use the "insertBefore". This script requires the ID of the items in the NavBar of the entity (this ID you can get tools like IEDevTollbar or just looking at the source code form). In this example we will work with the Activities and History items of the entity contacts. In the OnLoad copy the following: var
 _ActivitiesNavItem = document.getElementById ("navActivities"). ParentNode; 
_ActHistoryNavItem var = document.getElementById ("navActivityHistory"). ParentNode;
_ActHistoryNavItem.insertBefore (_ActivitiesNavItem)
And this would be the before and after.


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